The Principles of Top Right Coaching & Leadership

Whilst becoming a great coach can take years, this is not because the principles of coaching are complicated. Imagine setting up a business, selling a simple product in a stable, uncomplicated market where you could predict consumer needs – relatively straightforward. Now consider this quote from three Michelin star restaurant owner, Daniel Meyer: “Business, like […]

The Business Case For Coaching

Einstein is often quoted as saying “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” What if we were to apply these principles to leadership? How would we explain what great leaders do and don’t do in the simplest terms possible? And how would we translate that into where we spend our […]

The Science of Trust and Challenge

When building trust and increasing challenge, to lead or to coach, there is a pecking order – Trust comes before Challenge. There is no short-cut.  Neuroscience helps us to evidence and ultimately understand that people do their best thinking in the presence of people they trust. Critical thinking (solving problems, creating ideas, following new instructions) […]

Mental Health at Work

The 90s office culture might scoff at today’s focus on mental well-being at work. But what if I told you strong science backs these seemingly “fluffy” practices?

Intrigued? Read on to discover the three key factors a recent study found to significantly reduce mental health issues in the workplace. (These might surprise you!)

Changing the World – One Cup of Yorkshire Tea at a Time!

Inspired by Sinek’s “Start with Why,” I help people take small steps towards goals, often over tea. Now, my neighbor’s Ukraine mission needs a tea-mprovement! Their efforts hit a snag – making tea for refugees is slow. Can a cup of Yorkshire Tea make a difference? Read on!

The Science of Imposter Thinking

The Science of Imposter Thinking

Feeling like a fraud at work? You’re not alone!
Many successful leaders struggle with “Imposter Syndrome,” the fear you’ll be exposed as a fake.
But what if I told you it’s your brain’s way of saving energy?
Discover a powerful question to overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential. Plus, a sneak peek at a simple trick my clients swear by!
Read on to become the unstoppable leader you were meant to be!

Imposter Thinking – You Are Not Alone!

Feeling Like a Fake? CEOs Do Too!
Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO) struggles with feeling like a fraud. It’s not you – it’s your brain saving energy!

Read more to discover a science-backed trick to conquer Imposter Syndrome and unlock your full potential!

How to Overcome the Challenges Faced by Women in Business

Women Lead, Profits Leap (But Bias Holds Us Back)
Companies with women leaders see profits soar, yet bias remains a hurdle.
Think music: blind auditions boost female musician hiring by nearly half!
This article explores the science of bias and offers actionable tips to overcome it.
Empower women to lead. Unlock your workforce’s full potential. Read more!

IT and Why It’s Not Just for Girls

IT and Why It’s Not Just for Girls

Ever worried that the challenge or promotion that you have just taken on is a step too far…? That you are now, officially, out of your depth and you are finally going to get “Found Out”? Don’t worry. Read on…

Careers After Covid

top right thinking, dulcie swanston, new normal, careers after covid, national careers week, international women's day

Job Hunt Struggling? Get Insider Tips!
Career chat on BBC5 Live, but time flew! We have even more expert advice to help you land your dream job.
Feeling unmotivated? Discover top tips to stay focused and stand out!
Read more for exclusive job-hunting insights!

The Big 6

Growing Young Leaders Most of us have read articles about the work generation gap – Generation X and Baby Boomer leaders trying to manage the expectation of Gen Y and Millenial co-workers. Given my experience of recruiting and developing graduates over the past 15 years, I have seen at first hand some of the challenges. […]

WOW! Coach as you Lead

Anyone who has ever heard of coaching has usually heard of GROW. A simple model, created by Sir John Whitmore, an English motor racing driver turned performance coaching expert. Anyone who has ever done any training at work probably also knows how hard it is to translate training in a classroom to real life practice. […]

Top Right Questions – Learn From Lock-down For Your Team

Any new situation provides us with the opportunity to learn something – if we ask ourselves the right questions. We call good questions “Top Right” Questions – they are high support and high challenge – designed to make you think, but not to judge. Designed to make you question yourself, but not to be too […]

Lose the Guilt…The Dangers of Lockdown Projects…

There have been many articles circulating about the best way to deal with lockdown, furloughing and long weekends. Learn a new language? Get your house-hold jobs done? Volunteer? Catch up on the Box-Sets? The best one that I read, by a psychologist, suggested that because there was no precedent for these strange times that one […]

Top Right Questions – Learn From Lock-down For The Individual

Any new situation provides us with the opportunity to learn something – if we ask ourselves the right questions. We call good questions “Top Right” Questions – they are high support and high challenge – designed to make you think, but not to judge. Designed to make you question yourself, but not to be too […]

Coronavirus – Keep Your Brain Well

With the upheaval and challenge we are all experiencing, our brains will be doing things that will both help and hinder our mood and our well-being. If we take a minute to notice our emotions and our thoughts, there are some things we can do to help make our thinking more productive – things that […]

Old Habits Die Hard

The Big Idea Given that you can’t open a paper or magazine in January without a mention of New Year Resolutions, you might be surprised to know that most of us have given up on giving things up for New Year. 75% of adults reported that they didn’t make a resolution last year. This is […]

Forced Fun at The Office Christmas Party…

  Christmas is a time for fun and celebration right?! Well, it all rather depends on your definition of “fun”. I recently joined Emma Barnett and Bea Appleby on Bea in my Barnett slot on BBC Five Live. We talked about Bea feeling obliged to take time away from her family to have “forced fun” […]

Meeting Fatigue

A recent study in The Times reported what most of us know already. We are spending way too much time in meetings talking about doing things that we could actually be doing instead…If only we weren’t in a meeting talking about it. Ask yourself: Which meetings in your working week do you look forward to, […]

What’s in it for me?

I have been meaning to cover the topic of different ways to motivate people for ages. But with the book (named after this very blog!) taking up any writing time, it’s been on the back burner. Lucky for me, I have been coaching a senior client who decided to take the writing into his own […]

Your Small Clever Brain

Most people know that the brains has different sections, and that those different sections have different purposes. We might not know what the parts are called or exactly what they do, but most of us know that some areas of the brain deal with conscious thoughts, some deal with emotions and some deal with things […]